Minggu, 31 Juli 2022

Activities In July 2022

"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen" (Matthew 28:19-20) 

"Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me" (Isaiah 6:8). 

"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord" (I Corinthians 15:58). 

Praise Lord that the mission work in Makassar went well in July 2022. The activities that I did in July are as follows:

Teaching Prospects

I taught two prospects using Search For Truth (SFT) lesson. We have finished SFT 1 and 2. I like to use SFT because on the front page is always begun with three interesting questions asked to the prospect that he/she needs to choose which one of those the more interesting to him/her. This will help the prospect to stay focus and find the answers of it although two other questions will be answered. These two prospects are fast learners and we finished two lessons in two classes. We will continue on SFT 3 in August 2022. Another prospect is also always encouraged to continue the study. I hope to make an appointment with her to study in August. I also will offer these two new prospects a Bible correspondence course as I did to the previous prospect.

Translating Tract

In July 2022 I translated one tract entitled: Should We Sing During the Lord’s Supper?  This tract is needed by brethren in Indonesia because there are few local congregations who still sing a song during the Lord's Supper service. I hope this tract will help them to change the wrong concept they have and they know how to worship God properly. I have posted this tract on my blog and I will send printed and digital material as well to the individuals and local congregations, too. 

Distributing Tracts

I kept distributing tracts regularly to people. I always hope and pray that they read the tracts and affect their life and even more they want to study one on one.

Continuation of Translation Projects

I continued to translate two books, namely "Life-Changing Questions" and "Bible Study Program." Hopefully they will be closer to the end of translation so that later these books can be printed and used in Bible classes, personal reading, and even as a reference books that have rich information.

Online Bible Courses

I still regularly responded new enrollments and checked the answers of students submitted in this Online Bible Courses. The students came from various cities in Indonesia. In the city of Makassar itself, there has been no change from the previous students, there are still two students. Hopefully they will keep to be enthusiastic to complete the courses. The students from other cities, who also wanted to study the Bible in private, I leave them to the evangelists who work in those cities, so they can follow up them.

Virtual Bible Study for Prospects

This is my new regular activity. I asked certain brothers in Christ from Jakarta to get involved as partners or as a team in this program. The idea came few years before that it would be possible to encourage the students of the Bible Correspondence Courses to have more ways to study the Bible and I I did make form for virtual Bible study and personal study at home face by face as well. And the result is many of them interested to join virtual Bible study also. Our team had discussed all things required such as schedule, teacher, moderator. We conduct this virtual Bible study on Tuesday evening at 20.00 - 21.00 PM. We started for the first time in the third week. We hope this program will get more students or prospects to get involved, especially those who are living in the city where there is a church of Christ, like Jakarta, Manado, Surabaya, and other cities. We never know, one day some of them will obey the gospel of Christ.

Bible Class

Makassar Church of Christ continued to conduct the Bible classes on Sundays using a book called "The Beginning of Our Confidence" (lessons designed for new Christians) as well as certain other topics. Hopefully these lessons can help church members to grow in knowledge of truth.

Visit and Present the Work in Makassar at Sawangan Church of Christ

My kids and I went to Manado as I planned before. I came there to present the mission work in Makassar to Sawangan Church of Christ which is the supervisory and sponsoring congregation of the mission work in Makassar. I did my presentation on Sunday, 3 July 2022. They are satisfied listening to my presentation. At the same Sunday, I was honored and given opportunity to deliver a sermon at worship time. While in Manado, brethren at Sawangan brought us to several tourist attractions and having meal together as well. The brethren are hospitable! I left Manado on 6 July, but my kids were still in Manado until 12 July the day they leaved for Makassar.

Worship and Teach Bible Class At Blok M Church of Christ in Jakarta

On 6 July I leaved for Bandar Lampung by direct flight from Manado to Jakarta and from Jakarta to Bandar Lampung. I stay for 3 days there before leaving for Jakarta on 9 July. I spend one night there, and on Sunday, 10 July I worship at Blok M Church of Christ and also given opportunity by the leaders of the congregation to teach adult Bible class. In the afternoon I was sent by a brother of that congregation who also brought me to have dinner before proceeding to the airport to leave for Makassar by night time flight. 

Makassar, 31 July 2022, 
Harun Tamale 

Mission Monthly Report in Makassar Under the supervision of GSJKDI Sawangan, Sawangan Village Jaga IV, Kec. Tombulu, Minahasa, North Sulawesi 95662. 
Email: haruntamale@gmail.com 
Blog: https://mission-report.blogspot.com/