Selasa, 08 Februari 2022

Activities In January 2022

"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen" (Matthew 28:19-20) 

"Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me" (Isaiah 6:8). 

"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord" (I Corinthians 15:58). 

Praise God, January 2022 is the first new year for me and my family since starting mission work in September 2021 in Makassar. The activities that I did as follows:

Returning from A Visitation to East Luwu

The visitation to our hometown, Watangkume, Mangkutana, East Luwu, ended on Monday, January 3, 2022. On that day, around 7.30 am, three of us returned to Makassar and arrived safely around 22.00 pm. We stopped at the city of Pare-Pare (about 3 hours from Makassar city) at my sister's house, while taking two other sisters and a grandchild who were with us at the same day purposing to have a vacation in Pare-Pare.

Working on Online Bible Courses Checks

Throughout January 2022, it rained almost every day from morning to afternoon, even until evening in Makassar. This condition limited a lot of time and opportunities to get out of the house. Even though with this condition, I can still do my work to reply the new registrations for Bible courses and also checked the answers of participants who have been working on courses materials and answered questions being asked about the courses materials or personal questions from participants.

A number of participants wanted to study face-to-face in their respective cities, and I directed them to several evangelists from local congregations in the cities of Surabaya, Bali, Manado, besides myself in Makassar. So far, the Bible courses participants from the city of Surabaya are mostly interested in studying the Bible face-to-face.

Translation Projects

There are two English materials that I have been translating. One is a book entitled "Life-Changing Questions" by Frank Chesser. It takes a long time to complete the translations. Another one is Bible class material called the Bible Study Program which is specially designed for church members to study the Bible on daily basis from Genesis to Revelation. When these materials have been translated, they will be printed in book form.

Besides these two books, I have been also translating other materials such as tracts, articles, etc. These materials will be printed for distribution to both prospects and local congregations. Fortunately, in January 2022 a local congregation donated a new printer and soon will be used it to print existing materials.

Making Bible Study Appointments With Prospects

In January 2022, I made a face-to-face Bible study appointment with two prospects. Both are students in university. We have made an appointmen to begin the study on the third week of January 2022. But it was delayed because of their busy class schedule in their respective universities. Hopefully in February 2022, we can start studying the Bible together.

Getting to Know People

While dropping my daughter off at the Frater Junior High School in Makassar, I took the time to get acquainted with a number of the parents of the students who also came to bring their children to school. I introduced myself as an evangelist of the Church of Christ in Makassar city. Some of them are also active in their ministries at the denomination. They are Catholics and Protestants. The opportunity to follow up in the future is very wide open.

Suffering Sick

On Monday, January 24, my son Kenneth had a fever, and on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, it was my turn to be sick with fever symptoms as well. After treatment at the clinic, my son gradually felt better, but my condition became worst, and because of that, on Friday, January 28, 2022, I had to be hospitalized at one of the closest hospitals from where we live in Makassar. I was discharged from the hospital and returned home Monday, January 31, 2022. I was diagnosed by the doctor initially with dengue fever, then diabetes and stomach ulcers. While in the hospital, I was isolated and could not be accompanied. I left my two children with my younger brother who came from the village, East Luwu. Since I came home from the hospital, I have been still doing my health recovery, hopefully it will get better and better. Please pray for me.

Makassar, 08 February, 2022, 
Harun Tamale 

Mission Monthly Report in Makassar Under the supervision of GSJKDI Sawangan, Sawangan Village Guard IV, Kec. Tombulu, Minahasa, North Sulawesi 95662. 

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