Jumat, 02 Juni 2023

Activities In May 2023

"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen" (Matthew 28:19-20) 

"Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me" (Isaiah 6:8). 

"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord" (I Corinthians 15:58). 

I thank God for the mission work that has been going well until now. In may 2023 I did the works described as follows:

Taught Prospects

Only one of two prospects (in April 2023) who continued to study the word of God with me using SFT (Search for Truth - https://noeo.net/obs/sft/sft.htm). And praise Lord, one of church members' daughter that had an appointment with me to study the Bible last April and she postpone until she finished to take an entrance exam for university, finally studied the Bible  with me. A lot of discussions with them during our study, especially doctrine issues and I asked them to open their Bible to find the answers from Scriptures related to the issues. Sometimes they tried to give their opinions that did not fit to what the Bible says. I did not force them and it depends on them to accept or not what the Bible says. And interestingly, many facts in the Bible new to them because they never thought nor knew before.   

Distributed Tracts and Books

I kept distributing tracts regularly to people, prospects and church members as well. Hopefully as they read them, they will know the truth about the subjects presented in those tracts, even they may be interested more to study the Bible one on one in the future. Here some pictures.

Online Bible Courses

I kept regularly replying new enrollments and checked the answers of students submitted in these Online Bible Courses. Some of them had been rewarded certificates after the completion of all courses, even some of them took three different series of Bible courses and also joined the virtual Bible classes, and some wanted to study one on one, but unfortunately some live in the area where no churches.

Visited A Prison

I visited prison twice in May and brought things with me for someone I visited before. During the visitation, no one can bring handphone or smartphone. I spared a limited time to talk with him about spiritual matter and gave encouragement words as well. I asked him to call me if he has needs and I would like to do my best for him as long as I could. Visitation is scheduled once a week on every Wednesday.

Delivered A Evangelism Presentation At Subang Jaya Annual Seminar

As scheduled on May 1 2023 for the annual seminar, it was my honor as one of three speakers and I was the third or last speaker presenting my mission work in Makassar that has been running for 20 months since it began in September 2021. After each section of  presentation, seminar participants given opportunity to ask questions and the speakers answered them. I would like to express my gratitude to Subang Jaya Church of Christ for the honorary and opportunity given to me to share some experiences I have in doing mission work. It is my pray that Subang Jaya Church of Christ will be conducting the same annual seminar next year and continue to support the work of the Lord.

Bible Class

Makassar Church of Christ continued to conduct the Bible classes on Sundays after worship presenting the Christian growth lessons. These lessons can help church members to grow in knowledge and way of Christian life.

Sunday Worship

We worship regularly at a rented building every Sunday. Sometimes brethren from other local congregations who came to Makassar also attend our worship assembly and our visitors as well. In May, we had a visitor and a daughter of another local congregation member who came to worship with us.

Makassar, 03 June 2023, 
Harun Tamale 

Mission Monthly Report in Makassar Under the supervision of GSJKDI Sawangan, Sawangan Village Jaga IV, Kec. Tombulu, Minahasa, North Sulawesi 95662. 
Email: haruntamale@gmail.com 
Blog: https://mission-report.blogspot.com/

Selasa, 09 Mei 2023

Activities In April 2023

"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen" (Matthew 28:19-20) 

"Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me" (Isaiah 6:8). 

"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord" (I Corinthians 15:58). 

I am thankful to God and glory be to Him for the mission work that has been going well until now. The activities I did in April 2023 described as follows:

Taught Prospects

There are two prospects who have been active in studying the word of God with me. A lot of discussions with them during our study, especially doctrine issues and I asked them to open their Bible to find the answers from Scriptures related to the issues. Sometimes they tried to give their opinions that did not fit to what the Bible says. I did not force them and it depends on them to accept or not what the Bible says. And interestingly, many facts in the Bible new to them because they never thought nor knew before. There is another prospect who did not continue her study with me for two months. I kept asking her to reschedule our time for study, and she told me to wait for information from her about it. She is a student of a university and apprenticing in a company. I hope she is still interested in studying the Bible with me. One of church members' daughter had an appointment with me to study the Bible, but she has been preparing herself for university entrance exam, therefore, we postpone to study the Bible together.   . 

Distributed Tracts

I kept distributing tracts regularly to people, prospects and church members as well. Hopefully as they read them, they will know the truth about the subjects presented in those tracts, even they may be interested more to study the Bible one on one in the future. 

Translated Books

Finally, I have finished translating a book entitled "Life-Changing Questions" and it is available in Indonesian. It is better for the book to be printed and distributed to the brethren for their growth in knowledge and faith and as a reference book as well. Another translation projek which is still on proccess of translating is entitled "Bible Study Program." This material is for Bible classes.

Online Bible Courses

I kept regularly replying new enrollments and checked the answers of students submitted in these Online Bible Courses. Many of them had been rewarded certificates after the completion of all courses, even some of them took three different series of Bible courses and also joined the virtual Bible class, and some wanted to study one on one, but unfortunately in some live in the area where no churches.

Virtual Bible Study for Prospects (Denomination Members)

The program is conducted on Thursday evening at 20.00 - 21.00 PM twice in a month. Our team (leaders from several churches of Christ) had set general topics of the Bible to be presented in the classes, and some topics were taught in October. Every class has a prayer, moderator, teacher, and co-teachers. After prayer, the teacher presents a lesson, then moderator will encourage prospects or students to ask questions, and teachers and co-teachers will answer those questions from the Bible. It is very interesting to them that we always bring them to the Bible, and the Bible itself answers the questions, although sometimes we support what the Bible says with facts from from history, archeology, and other sciences. We also encourage those students/prospects to study one on one with preachers and to visit churches of Christ in their cities, like in Jakarta, Manado, Surabaya, and other cities. We never know, one day some of them will obey the gospel of Christ. 

Visited A Prison

On 22 April 2023 along with a moslem holiday, Idul Fitri, I visited again prison in Makassar and this time I succeeded to meet someone that I failed to meet in March 2023. I was very glad to meet him and we had few minutes to talk together, especially to encaurage him, before I left him. I promised him to visit again next month, and hoping I will be allowed to meet him.

Scheduled for Subang Jaya Annual Seminar

I was contacted by a brother from Subang Jaya Church of Christ and asked if I was willing to be a speaker for the annual seminar that will fall on May 1 2023. Without hesitation I accepted that honorary.

Bible Class

Makassar Church of Christ continued to conduct the Bible classes on Sundays after worship using a book entitled "The Beginning of Our Confidence" (lessons designed for new Christians) and other topics. These lessons can help church members to grow in the knowledge of God's word and apply them in daily life.

Sunday Worship

We worship regularly at a rented building every Sunday. Sometimes brethren from other local congregations who came to Makassar also attend our worship assembly and our visitors as well. In April, we had a guest who came to worship with us. She came two weeks in a row.

Makassar, 09 May 2023, 
Harun Tamale 

Mission Monthly Report in Makassar Under the supervision of GSJKDI Sawangan, Sawangan Village Jaga IV, Kec. Tombulu, Minahasa, North Sulawesi 95662. 
Email: haruntamale@gmail.com 
Blog: https://mission-report.blogspot.com/

Minggu, 09 April 2023

Activities In March 2023

"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen" (Matthew 28:19-20) 

"Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me" (Isaiah 6:8). 

"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord" (I Corinthians 15:58). 

Glory be to God for His blessings upon the mission work that has been done in March 2023 as I report as follows:

Continuation of Study Postponed

Two prospects who had studied with me last month (February) postponed to continue the study because of their activities. Hopefully, they want to continue next month the study while I keep in contact with them. Normally, we have study in two different times, using SFT lessons from Fishers of Men Program. 

Translating and Distributing Tracts

I translated one more tract entitled, "Marriage,  Divorce, and Remarriage" added to the available ones. I kept distributing tracts regularly to people and prospects as well. Hopefully as they read them, they will know the truth about the subjects presented in those tracts, even they may be interested more to study the Bible one on one. 

Translation Projects

I have been translating two books entitled "Life-Changing Questions" and "Bible Study Program." Hopefully they have been be closer to the end of translation so that these books can be printed and used for Bible classes, personal reading, and even as a reference books that have rich information. I focused on translating "Life-Changing Questions" book and again I still need time to finish it. 

Online Bible Courses

I kept regularly replying new enrollments and checked the answers of students submitted in these Online Bible Courses. Many of them had been rewarded certificates after the completion of all courses, even some of them took three different series of Bible courses and also joined the virtual Bible class, and some wanted to study one on one, but unfortunately in some live in the area where no churches.

Virtual Bible Study for Prospects (Denomination Members)

The program is conducted on Thursday evening at 20.00 - 21.00 PM twice in a month. Our team (leaders from several churches of Christ) had set general topics of the Bible to be presented in the classes, and some topics were taught in October. Every class has a prayer, moderator, teacher, and co-teachers. After prayer, the teacher presents a lesson, then moderator will encourage prospects or students to ask questions, and teachers and co-teachers will answer those questions from the Bible. It is very interesting to them that we always bring them to the Bible, and the Bible itself answers the questions, although sometimes we support what the Bible says with facts from from history, archeology, and other sciences. We also encourage those students/prospects to study one on one with preachers and to visit churches of Christ in their cities, like in Jakarta, Manado, Surabaya, and other cities. We never know, one day some of them will obey the gospel of Christ. 

Visitation to the Prison Failed

On 21 March 2023 I visited the prison in Makassar to meet someone who had told me few days before that I might be able to enter into the prison to meet him. But, unfortunately I did get the permission to go in, and the reason why I was not allowed is I am not his immediate family.  

Bible Class

Makassar Church of Christ continued to conduct the Bible classes on Sundays after worship using a book entitled "The Beginning of Our Confidence" (lessons designed for new Christians) and other topics. These lessons can help church members to grow in the knowledge of God's word and apply them in daily life.

Sunday Worship

We worship regularly at a rented building every Sunday. Sometimes brethren from other local congregations who came to Makassar also attend our worship assembly and our visitors as well. On Sunday, 26 February 2023, brethren in Christ from Jakarta worship with us before they when back to Jakarta.

Makassar, 09 April 2023, 
Harun Tamale 

Mission Monthly Report in Makassar Under the supervision of GSJKDI Sawangan, Sawangan Village Jaga IV, Kec. Tombulu, Minahasa, North Sulawesi 95662. 
Email: haruntamale@gmail.com 
Blog: https://mission-report.blogspot.com/

Selasa, 07 Maret 2023

Activities In February 2023

"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen" (Matthew 28:19-20) 

"Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me" (Isaiah 6:8). 

"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord" (I Corinthians 15:58). 

Glory be to God for His blessings upon the mission work that has been done in February 2023 as I report as follows:

Teaching Prospects

Only two of four prospects continued to study the Bible with me. I kept using SFT material to teach them and we finished lesson three and we will lesson four in February 2023. The study took 2 or 3 meetings for one lesson to finish because many questions and thoughts arose during the study sessions and need more times to help them to get the answers from the Bible. Hopefully the word of God which was planted in their hearts will grow and produce the fruits of obedience.

Translating and Distributing Tracts and Books

I translated two more tracts, "The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ"and" dan "Will A Man Rob God?" added to the available ones. I kept distributing tracts and books regularly to people and prospects as well. Some distributed to a denomination book store (people who buy books can take them home) and to individuals. Hopefully as they read them, they will know the truth about the subjects presented in those tracts, even they may be interested more to study the Bible one on one. 

Translation Projects

I have been translating two books entitled "Life-Changing Questions" and "Bible Study Program." Hopefully they have been be closer to the end of translation so that these books can be printed and used for Bible classes, personal reading, and even as a reference books that have rich information. I focused on translating "Life-Changing Questions" book and again I still need time to finish it. 

Online Bible Courses

I still regularly replied new enrollments and checked the answers of students submitted in these Online Bible Courses. Many of them had been rewarded certificates after the completion of all courses, even some of them took three different series of Bible courses and also joined the virtual Bible class, and some wanted to study one on one, but unfortunately in some live in the area where no churches.

Virtual Bible Study for Prospects (Denomination Members)

The program is conducted on Thursday evening at 20.00 - 21.00 PM twice in a month. Our team (leaders from several churches of Christ) had set general topics of the Bible to be presented in the classes, and some topics were taught in October. Every class has a prayer, moderator, teacher, and co-teachers. After prayer, the teacher presents a lesson, then moderator will encourage prospects or students to ask questions, and teachers and co-teachers will answer those questions from the Bible. It is very interesting to them that we always bring them to the Bible, and the Bible itself answers the questions, although sometimes we support what the Bible says with facts from from history, archeology, and other sciences. We also encourage those students/prospects to study one on one with preachers and to visit churches of Christ in their cities, like in Jakarta, Manado, Surabaya, and other cities. We never know, one day some of them will obey the gospel of Christ. 

Visitation to the Christian Community Guidance Office of South Sulawesi Ministry of Religion

I visited the office in Makassar on 8 February 2023 to submit required documents to get a report letter for new synod registration. I met the head of Christian community guidance and she promised me to issue the report letter. At same time, she asked me also to make an agreement letter for the use of the rented worship building signed by the building owner and the user. On 27 February 2023 I submitted the agreement letter and I just received an acknowledgment letter from the official and I need to go back on 13 March 2023. The letter required for a security protection purpose for the church worship. 

Bible Class

Makassar Church of Christ continued to conduct the Bible classes on Sundays after worship using a book entitled "The Beginning of Our Confidence" (lessons designed for new Christians) and other topics. These lessons can help church members to grow in the knowledge of God's word and apply them in daily life.

Sunday Worship

We worship regularly at a rented building every Sunday. Sometimes brethren from other local congregations who came to Makassar also attend our worship assembly and our visitors as well. On Sunday, 26 February 2023, brethren in Christ from Jakarta worship with us before they when back to Jakarta.

Makassar, 07 March 2023, 
Harun Tamale 

Mission Monthly Report in Makassar Under the supervision of GSJKDI Sawangan, Sawangan Village Jaga IV, Kec. Tombulu, Minahasa, North Sulawesi 95662. 
Email: haruntamale@gmail.com 
Blog: https://mission-report.blogspot.com/

Rabu, 08 Februari 2023

Activities In January 2023

"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen" (Matthew 28:19-20) 

"Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me" (Isaiah 6:8). 

"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord" (I Corinthians 15:58). 

I am thankful to God that mission work has been going well in Makassar. Many experiences I had during 2022 in working for the church in Makassar. Now we are in 2023, and I had done some works  last Januari that need to report as follows:

Teaching Prospects

Two of four prospects, who have made appointments to study, are still committed to continue studying the Bible with me. The study have been started in November 2022 and until January 2023 we were still in lesson three of SFT. The study have been going slower because many questions and thoughts that arise during the study sessions and need more times to help them to get the answers from the Bible. Hopefully the word of God which was planted in their hearts will grow and produce the fruits of obedience.

Translating dan Distributing Tracts

I translated one more tract (Does God Approve of Religious Division) and kept distributing tracts regularly to people and prospects as well. Hopefully as they read them, they will know the truth about the subjects presented in those tracts, even they may be interested more to study the Bible one on one. 

Translation Projects

I have been translating two books entitled "Life-Changing Questions" and "Bible Study Program." Hopefully they have been be closer to the end of translation so that these books can be printed and used for Bible classes, personal reading, and even as a reference books that have rich information. I focused on translating "Life-Changing Questions" book and I still could not finish it in January 2023 and I need another month. 

Online Bible Courses

I still regularly responded new enrollments and checked the answers of students submitted in these Online Bible Courses. Many of them had been rewarded certificates after the completion of all courses, even some of them took three different series of Bible courses and also joined the virtual Bible class, and some wanted to study one on one.

Virtual Bible Study for Prospects (Denomination Members)

The program is conducted on Thursday evening at 20.00 - 21.00 PM. Our team (leaders from several churches of Christ) had set general topics of the Bible to be presented in the classes, and some topics were taught in October. Every class has a prayer, moderator, teacher, and co-teachers. After prayer, the teacher presents a lesson, then moderator will encourage prospects or students to ask questions, and teachers and co-teachers will answer those questions from the Bible. It is very interesting to them that we always bring them to the Bible, and the Bible itself answers the questions, although sometimes we support what the Bible says with facts from from history, archeology, and other sciences. We also encourage those students/prospects to study one on one with preachers and to visit churches of Christ in their cities, like in Jakarta, Manado, Surabaya, and other cities. We never know, one day some of them will obey the gospel of Christ. 

Taught New Convert

I kept teaching our sister who is still baby in Christ. I continued using SFTs to teach her, and another sister who is also still baby in Christ has moved to her hometown and she place her membership at local congregation in that town. I asked a preacher nearby to continue teaching her so that she grows in knowledge and spirituality.

Bible Class

Makassar Church of Christ continued to conduct the Bible classes on Sundays after worship using a book entitled "The Beginning of Our Confidence" (lessons designed for new Christians) and other topics. These lessons can help church members to grow in the knowledge of God's word and apply them in daily life.

Sunday Worship

We worship regularly at a rented building every Sunday. Sometimes brethren from other local congregations who came to Makassar also attend our worship assembly and our visitors as well.

Delivering A sermon On Sunday At Uelene Church of Christ

On Sunday, 1 January 2023, I was honored to deliver a sermon by Uelene COC. This congregation is the first established in Central Sulawesi. For some reasons the building was closed for few years and the members join another local congregation (Mayoa Church of Christ), but last year they came back and started worshiping permanently in that building. There are several prospects who are interested to study and even come to worship regularly every Sunday. This congregation needs prayers and help for building.

Outing Activity in Akarena Beach

On Sunday, 15 January 2023, after worship, we went to Akarena Beach to have an outing activity as planned. Our visitors also came to join us in this activity. We brought some snacks to enjoy together and had dinner as well. We had a good time to have a chit-chat one another and took pictures.

Makassar COC would like say "Happy New Year 2023" to all of you brethren, the supporters and the sponsoring church. God bless us.

Makassar, 08 February 2023, 
Harun Tamale 

Mission Monthly Report in Makassar Under the supervision of GSJKDI Sawangan, Sawangan Village Jaga IV, Kec. Tombulu, Minahasa, North Sulawesi 95662. 
Email: haruntamale@gmail.com 
Blog: https://mission-report.blogspot.com/


Sabtu, 07 Januari 2023

Activities In December 2022

"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen" (Matthew 28:19-20) 

"Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me" (Isaiah 6:8). 

"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord" (I Corinthians 15:58). 

Greatful to God for His blessings upon mission work that I have been doing in Makassar. I appreciate for your supports and prayers for this mission work. The report of the work for December 2022 as follows:

Teaching Prospects

There are four prospects who have been interested to study. Two of them have been studying with me. One started in November 2022 and kept continuing the study, and the other started in first week of December 2022. I kept using SFTs  to teach them.  We normally opened the lesson sheet by asking them to read the three questions on front pages and choose one the most interesting question of three. Then we went through the whole lesson, and sometimes we did not finish the lessons in one meeting, so we continued it the next meeting. During the study we had more discussions about the subjects presented and other topics possible. The other two just made the appointment to study with me. We plan to start in January 2023, including the previous ones. Hopefully the word of God which was planted in their hearts will grow and produce the fruits of obedience.

Distributing Tracts and Books

I kept distributing tracts regularly to people. In addition, I also gave some books to certain people. The books are free from a local church in Jakarta, Blok M Church of Christ. The books are printed every month and distributed to the local congregations in Indonesia, including Makassar Church of Christ. In December, we got Commentary of Mark and re-requested 10 books entitled Why Am I A Member of Church of Christ. The books are very useful for Bible study and to contribute to others for their spiritual benefits. 

Translation Projects

I have been translating two books entitled "Life-Changing Questions" and "Bible Study Program." Hopefully they have been be closer to the end of translation so that these books can be printed and used for Bible classes, personal reading, and even as a reference books that have rich information. I focused on translating "Life-Changing Questions" book and hopefully in January 2023 will be done. 

Online Bible Courses

I still regularly responded new enrollments and checked the answers of students submitted in these Online Bible Courses. Many of them had been rewarded certificates after the completion of all courses, even some of them took three different series of Bible courses and also joined the virtual Bible class, and some wanted to study one on one.

Virtual Bible Study for Prospects (Denomination Members)

The program is conducted on Thursday evening at 20.00 - 21.00 PM. Our team (leaders from several churches of Christ) had set general topics of the Bible to be presented in the classes, and some topics were taught in October. Every class has a prayer, moderator, teacher, and co-teachers. After prayer, the teacher presents a lesson, then moderator will encourage prospects or students to ask questions, and teachers and co-teachers will answer those questions from the Bible. It is very interesting to them that we always bring them to the Bible, and the Bible itself answers the questions, although sometimes we support what the Bible says with facts from from history, archeology, and other sciences. We also encourage those students/prospects to study one on one with preachers and to visit churches of Christ in their cities, like in Jakarta, Manado, Surabaya, and other cities. We never know, one day some of them will obey the gospel of Christ. 

Taught New Convert

I kept teaching two sisters who are babies in Christ. I continued using SFTs to teach them, and in December 2022 they had reached lesson 9 and will continue the next lessons. These lessons help them to grow spiritually.

Bible Class

Makassar Church of Christ continued to conduct the Bible classes on Sundays after worship using a book entitled "The Beginning of Our Confidence" (lessons designed for new Christians) and other topics. These lessons can help church members to grow in the knowledge of God's word and apply them in daily life.

Sunday Worship

We worship regularly at a rented building or sometimes at our house every Sunday. Sometimes brethren from other local congregations who come to Makassar also attend worship assembly at Makassar Church of Christ. On 25 December 2022 Bro. Jon from Sawangan Church of Christ Manado (my sponsoring congregation) worshiped with us and had a privilege to present a sermon to us. After worship we had lunch together.

Be A Speaker At Combined Luwu Timur Churches of Christ Lectureship

After worshiped on 25 December 2022, Bro. Jon and I left for Luwu Timur that took 15 hours because of stuck on flood road and bad weather and arrived safely early in the morning at 4 AM. On 26 December 2022, I attended a Bible class taught by Bro. Jon at Tawibaru Church of Christ at 6 PM. Several members from other local congregations also attended the class. Many questions arose and besides Bro. Jon, I also took part in giving some answers and ideas. 

On 27 December 2022 Luwu Timur Churches of Christ conducted a combined lectureship for one day. This was the first lectureship since the churches of Christ planted 37 years ago in Luwu Timur. The host of lectureship was Bandoa Church of Christ. The lectureship theme was "The Church Growth." My topic was "A Strong Christian Leadership." Unfortunately, only 33% of whole churches of Christ members in Luwu Timur who participated in this lectureship. Several brethren from Central Sulawesi also attended the lectureship. At the end of lectureship, there was a Bible quiz for three groups. Even though less participants, the lectureship was successful. 

A New Year Thanksgiving

My family and I spent new year 2023 at Uelene in Central Sulawesi. In this village there is a local congregation, Uelene Church of Christ. I had a privilege to present a lesson at mid night, an hour before new year 2023. After that we had meal together provided by a church member at her house. 

Makassar, 07 Desember 2022, 
Harun Tamale 

Mission Monthly Report in Makassar Under the supervision of GSJKDI Sawangan, Sawangan Village Jaga IV, Kec. Tombulu, Minahasa, North Sulawesi 95662. 
Email: haruntamale@gmail.com 
Blog: https://mission-report.blogspot.com/


Senin, 05 Desember 2022

Activities In November 2022

"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen" (Matthew 28:19-20) 

"Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me" (Isaiah 6:8). 

"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord" (I Corinthians 15:58). 

Thankful to God for His blessings upon mission work I have been doing in Makassar. I appreciate for your supports and prayers as well for this mission work. The report of the work for November 2022 as follows:

Teaching New Prospect

A new prospect was interested in studying the Bible one on one with me. We have just started lesson 1 of SFT on 26 November 2022. We opened the lesson sheet by asking her to read the three questions on front page and choose one the most interesting question of them. Then we went through the whole lesson. She was very enthusiastic. We have planned to study once a week on Saturday.

Distributing Tracts and Books

I kept distributing tracts regularly to people. In addition, I also gave some books to certain people. The books are free from a local church in Jakarta, Blok M Church of Christ. The books are printed every month and distributed to the local congregations in Indonesia, including Makassar Church of Christ. In November, we got 2 volumes, Commentary of Mark and Why Am I A Member of Church of Christ. The books are very useful for Bible study and to contribute others. 

Translation Projects

I continued to translate two books entitled "Life-Changing Questions" and "Bible Study Program." Hopefully they have been be closer to the end of translation so that these books can be printed and used in Bible classes, personal reading, and even as a reference books that have rich information.

Online Bible Courses

I still regularly responded new enrollments and checked the answers of students submitted in these Online Bible Courses. Many of them had been rewarded certificates after the completion of all courses, even some of them took three different series of Bible courses and also joined the virtual Bible class, and some wanted to study one on one.

Virtual Bible Study for Prospects (Denomination Members)

The program is conducted on Thursday evening at 20.00 - 21.00 PM. Our team (leaders from several churches of Christ) had set general topics of the Bible to be presented in the classes, and some topics were taught in October. Every class has a prayer, moderator, teacher, and co-teachers. After prayer, the teacher presents a lesson, then moderator will encourage prospects or students to ask questions, and teachers and co-teachers will answer those questions from the Bible. It is very interesting to them that we always bring them to the Bible, and the Bible itself answers the questions, although sometimes we support what the Bible says with facts from from history, archeology, and other sciences. We also encourage those students/prospects to study one on one with preachers and to visit churches of Christ in their cities, like in Jakarta, Manado, Surabaya, and other cities. We never know, one day some of them will obey the gospel of Christ. 

Discussion About The Church

I know a denominational pastor. I had discussion about the church with her. I began asking her about how if people today were living in the first century, which church would they be members? She answered, "In the first century, known Christians were Jews, because they also often visited and worshiped at the temple of God, the Synagogue and obeyed the law (of Moses), so they were called Jewish Christians (modern Judaism). Acts 11: 26, it was in Antioch that the disciples were first called Christians." Then I continue asking, "How many were the church built in the first century?" I got her answer, " The church that were founded in the first century, there are 3:
1. The Jewish Church.
2. The Roman Catholic Church.
3. The Ancient Greek church.
In the first century, Christians became members of the Roman Catholic church."

I kept asking another question, "Did those in the first century obey and keep the law of Moses or the law of Christ?" She said the law of Christ. Her answers show that she does not know the history of church establishment in Acts 2 and she is not consistent about keeping the law of Moses or the law of Christ. I gave her an article, "How do we view old testament today?" and asked her to read and what she does think about it. We stopped our discussion right here while waiting for her answer. I plan to use SFT in teaching her later.

Bible Class

Makassar Church of Christ continued to conduct the Bible classes on Sundays after worship using a book entitled "The Beginning of Our Confidence" (lessons designed for new Christians) as well as other topics. These lessons can help church members to grow in the knowledge of God's word and apply them in daily life.

Sunday Worship

We worship regularly at a rented building or sometimes at our house every Sunday. Sometimes brethren from other local congregations who come to Makassar also attend worship assembly at Makassar Church of Christ.

Attending A Preacher's Workshop at North Sulawesi School Bible Studies

I was invited and honored to be one of speakers in this preacher's workshop. The workshop held from 18-19 by North Sulawesi School of Bible Studies in Manado, North Sulawesi.  The topic I presented was "The Growth of the Church Through Multimedia." During this workshop I met many preachers and leaders from many local congregations. Some preachers shared their experiences of work in their respective local congregations. We also had great opportunities to share more experiences and discussed ideas outside of workshop schedule. All of these give insight, knowledge, ideas, and encourage everyone to work harder for the kingdom of Christ.

Visiting the Sick at Hospital

On 5 November 2022, I visited again one of my relatives that has a breast cancer and has been undergoing series of chemo since last September before surgery. I encourage her and her daughter who has been accompanying her to face this situation with enthusiasm for and I also gave her a book (Why I Am A Member of Church of Christ) to read.

Again, on 11 November 2022, I visited a niece who was hospitalized. She had a bladder infection. I prayed for her and family. 

Makassar, 05 Desember 2022, 
Harun Tamale 

Mission Monthly Report in Makassar Under the supervision of GSJKDI Sawangan, Sawangan Village Jaga IV, Kec. Tombulu, Minahasa, North Sulawesi 95662. 
Email: haruntamale@gmail.com 
Blog: https://mission-report.blogspot.com/